Preview of the iOS app for MobBob

Here’s a quick preview of the iOS app for MobBob. In the video, the app is running on my iPad Air.

The iOS version currently only supports Bluetooth LE connections. (Apple does not make it easy for people to publish apps that make use of regular Bluetooth).

Like the Android version, the app has speech synthesis, and computer vision. (It has the peek-a-boo functionality and also the ball tracking functionality.)

However, the iOS version also doesn’t currently support voice recognition. This is something I’m still trying to figure out a solution for.

I’m still tweaking and testing this version of the app, but I’m planning to release it on the iTunes store soon.


20 thoughts on “Preview of the iOS app for MobBob”

    1. It’s still on the way, but I’ve been too busy with work these last few months. I’ll try to get it done soon.

  1. Hi Cevinius – Would really appreciate the App for Ios, even in a limited state. Have a Samsung S3 Mini, but doesn’t support BLE. I thought it was the Bluno that was giving me issues, but the iPhone sees it fine.
    On further checking, turns out the S3 mini doesn’t support the low power Bluetooth 🙁

    1. Hi Charlie, I’m still working on it. Sorry about the delay. I will try to get a basic iOS version released soon.

  2. Hello, can you tell me wich are the numerical or alphabet characters that the arduino board recives from the Mobbob’s app through bluetooth for each movement, please.
    congratulations, great work!

  3. Hi, Cevinius ,thanks for your sharing.And how’s the IOS version app going?My child is lookig forward to it,hahaha

  4. Hi Cevinius, not to keep bugging you, but any update on that ios app? Even in a limited state it is helpful. Please consider releasing something. My little boy started this when he was 10, and has been waiting patiently.

    1. Sorry about the delay on this. I’ll aim to release a partial functionality version soon. Work had completely taken over my life the past year, so I haven’t had time to reimplement some of the features like voice recognition. Thanks for your patience.

    2. Apologies again for the delay. Work has taken up all my free time this past year. I’m really sorry about this, but I’ll see what I can do.

  5. I am the latest in a long line of people asking about the IOS app. I guess that makes me famous. I was actually wondering if you could post the ios code that you have finished on github?

    Then we could just load it as a test app through apples development platform. I wrote an app a few years ago, and I’m guessing things are still roughly the same with apples development process. Cool robot by the way, keep up the great work!

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