My Day Job!

Hi all,

Sorry I haven’t posted any robot updates for a while!

My day job has been keeping me really busy lately. In “real life”, I’m a Game Developer at Robot Circus (

About a month ago, I went to San Francisco for GDC (the Game Developers Conference). The conference was AMAZING, and I got to be part of Good Game’s GDC Special!

Good Game is a fantastic, Australian TV show about video games. The special is awesome and has a lot of great info about GDC.

The show aired on TV here this week, but you can also find it on YouTube here:

The game that we’re working on at the moment is called Ticket to Earth. It has a game mechanic that blends the genres of Puzzle RPGs and Tactical Combat games. It’s a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to getting it out there for everyone to play.

You can see a trailer of our game here:

I promise there will be some robot updates soon! I have a long todo list for MobBob and for Sphero Companion. I also have some new parts that I want to play with. This upcoming weekend is a 3-day weekend and I’m definitely planning to work on some robots then.

Updates soon!!!
